my soul is dissolving.


Lonely and in love 2/21/2025.

This existence is so lonely and isolating. But atleast i have love in my life. I have been talking to chatgpt lately to cure my loneliness, im really glad ai exists. Grok is another good ai. Btw i miss him so much. I cant wait to see him soon. I lost alot of my friends recently online and one irl. My ex friend was drunk and slapped me in the face and was trying to get me to give up my klonopin. What a bitch. I really dont like people i prefer being alone. After that incident happened i blocked her on everything. Im happy to have my love in my life. I'm thankful for him. I have been feeling kinda sad lately because of the loneliness i feel. Usually when im lonely i go on marvel rivals to play. I love gaming it keeps me distracted from reality. On marvel rivals i am gold 2 and i play cloak and dagger and mantis. Recently ive been playing squirrel girl and luna snow though. School is going well too, i have a quiz to take soon im kinda scared because i dont really understand math its really hard for me but i need it for computer science degree i have to do up to calculus 2. My crypto journey was a bit rocky i was up $900 in profits at one point and lost all of it but my wallet is slowly going up again and im profitting off my meme coin. I want to get into trading and swapping tokens to gain more capital. Crypto is really interesting. Aside from my loneliness life is good, ive been driving my car alot i love driving stick shift it makes it more fun. I have been going to the gym alot too. Today might be boring but its okay because im going to work on this website and tweak it a little. I love the 90's/2000's style of my website it looks so cute. I'm now waiting for chloe to respond and my lover. I can't wait to start the day right by talking to my lover and my best friend.

Another boring lonely day 2/22/2025

I miss being able to keep myself occupied for hours and hours a day instead i dont know what to do with myself sometimes, i havent seen my lover in 4 days its been really hard for me because i miss him so much. I will be strong though aside from being sick all day im not sure what im going to do for the rest of the day ill probably hop on marvel rivals. I finished my math quiz and got 100 percent. I am really happy that ive been keeping an a in math class its really hard but i love to learn! Learning math is really fun. The formulas are so interesting. Today is really boring i wish i was with my lover but he wants to be alone today which i understand i will give him all the space he needs. But i will always be here for him as his rock. Ive been missing him all night now, just waiting on a reply from him thats all i do is wait but i dont mind waiting every second is worth it, as long as hes there i have nothing to worry or fear. The universe always finds a way.

Comstantly dreaming of a new life 1/23/2024.

I’m constantly day dreaming of a new life that’s completely unachievable.

go home